
The Holy City

Welcome to Jerusalem

Jerusalem, often referred to as "The Holy City," is one of the oldest cities in the world and holds immense religious significance for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With its rich history spanning over 3,000 years, Jerusalem is a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern life.

Fun Facts about Jerusalem

Historical Timeline of Jerusalem

1000 BCE

King David conquers Jerusalem and makes it the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel.

960 BCE

King Solomon builds the First Temple.

586 BCE

Babylonians destroy the First Temple and exile the Jews.

516 BCE

The Second Temple is completed.

70 CE

Romans destroy the Second Temple.

637 CE

Muslims conquer Jerusalem.

1099 CE

Crusaders capture Jerusalem.

1517 CE

Ottoman Turks conquer Jerusalem.

1917 CE

British forces capture Jerusalem.

1948 CE

State of Israel is established. Jerusalem is divided.

1967 CE

Six-Day War. Jerusalem is reunified under Israeli control.

Religious Significance

Jerusalem holds immense religious importance for three major monotheistic religions:

Modern Jerusalem

Today, Jerusalem is a vibrant, diverse city that seamlessly blends ancient history with modern life. Some highlights of contemporary Jerusalem include: